“Pleasantly lost in a forest” —nature’s parallels and the magic of synchronicity

We know nature yields beautiful patterns, some of which have been an inspiration to artists for years, decades, and centuries.

Many patterns mimic themselves—for instance, wave patterns in wet sand, the ocean, and in cloud formations. Or branching patterns seen in trees or tributaries—whether in a river delta or in a tidal-pool run-off.

In early October, I visited the Firefly Artists Gallery (where I am now a member) and was smitten by a pendant crafted by Kate Sidney, a jeweler and one of the founders of the gallery.

“Pleasantly Lost in a Forest” —a Labradorite pendant by Kate Sydney

I was intrigued by the deep blue color and the branching pattern. I told her when I saw  the piece, I felt, “pleasantly lost in a forest.”

Two months went by and every time I entered the gallery, I was drawn to it. It did not occur to me to buy it. I simply wanted to appreciate it. Then on the evening we kicked off our “100 for $100” holiday promotion in early December, a woman in attendance, Caren Jacobs, suggested I try it on. I did—then I bought it!

Kate kept it for me until we could settle on a necklace chain. We decided on simple black leather.

Labradorite is considered a stone of magic and transformation. It’s a stone that brings you the gift of serendipity and synchronicity—being in the right place at the right time. Such coincidences supposedly occur more often if you wear this stone. It is also considered a crystal that will help provide clarity and insight into your destiny. The crystal commonly has a blue to green palette in values of dark and light, all of which varies by the ambient light.

During the course of the next two weeks, I was fortunate to sell a large photo on canvas, “Lone Visitor,” a single blue-morpho butterfly in a rain forest.


I showed it to Kate and she noted the wings look like my Labradorite pendant. Whoa! How amazing—such a coincidence!

Was the magic of the stone playing out? It certainly seems as if serendipity and synchronicity intercepted me the last month of 2014.



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